Have you been thinking about volunteering for the Syrian Crisis and haven’t yet done anything about it? Join us at the next Salon to find out how two young social entrepreneurs JUST DID IT! Their refreshing stories will inspire you to crawl out of your winter hibernation and spring in to action. As always, we are excited to partner with the Whittemore House, a gorgeous historic house in the heart of Dupont Circle. This venue allows guests to mingle before and after the storytelling, so come early and stay on to meet other women at the Salon.
THURSDAY June 1, 2017
6:30-8:30 pm (Check-in starts at 6 pm)
Whittemore House, 1526 New Hampshire Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036
REGISTER HERE by noon on Monday, May 29, 2017
Bailey Ulbricht, Founder and Executive Director of Paper Airplanes
Sarah Geselowitz, Software engineer for Taskstream-Tk20 & Director, Paper Airplanes’ Women in Tech program
Nandini Oomman, Founding Curator, The Women’s Storytelling Salon™
This is a private, invitation only event, but feel free to forward this invitation to your friends, family and colleagues, AND please bring your daughters (14 years and up!).
More information about the Salon can be found on our Facebook Page.
More testimonials from storytellers and Salon guests may be viewed on our Youtube Channel
The Storytelling Salon community is growing every day (seriously!), so early registration is advised. Registration WILL CLOSE on Monday, May 29, 2017 at noon and seating is LIMITED, so register NOW!
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